True teamwork is dependent upon establishing a Check six culture, where every member continuously watches the other’s back, providing unrelenting mutual support. Any great organizational culture is built upon trust, proactive leadership, sense of community, embedded strong values, and above all, consistent communication for flawless teamwork. In today’s uncompromising and cutthroat business environment, building cultural values based on Wingmanship will help any corporation, reach its full potential by bringing out the best in its people. Who is a wingman in business? And how does the air force term apply to everyday business life?

(We at Premier BPO, promote a corporate culture based on servant leadership, similar to the check 6 culture as identified in the audiobook by best-selling NY author Waldo Waldman, titled “Never Fly Solo”; referenced throughout this blog).


Wingmanship Meaning

The original term “Wingman” refers to the pattern in which fighter jets are positioned one behind the other; where the second is the wingman or wingwoman; prudently watching the back of the first at all times. He or she is a comrade you would trust with your life, someone who is selflessly committed to your success and is always ready to face any challenge. Applied for the business perspective; Wingmanship is the concept of becoming someone’s trusted partner, always being present, appreciative, honest, the voice of reason, positive-minded, a driving force, and above all supportive through every circumstance.

“It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.” – Napolean Hill

A wingman can be anyone around you; Tech Support personnel are wingmen to the entire IT department, SDRs are wingmen to Sales Managers, the board members to a company’s leadership, your Quality Assurance Analysts, Data Analysts, Customer Support Managers, Trainers, etc.; there are thousands of examples and instances in which someone around you could be your wingman, while you could be theirs.

A positive mindset, background support, dedication to superior performance, and loyalty to the company’s goals are what help firms reach their full potential as a whole, as well as its individuals. Open communication, involvement, and guidance from top-level executives go a long way to build a workforce of wingmen and wingwomen, whom any executive can completely rely on in times of need. It is important to know the characteristics of Wingmanship, how they apply to any business environment, and how they help establish healthy corporate culture values.

Characteristics of Wingmanship for Augmented Business Culture

Infusing values of Wingmanship within oneself will help one step out of their comfort zone and head towards growth; which when applied to the whole workforce, will help the company flourish. People focused on each other’s accomplishments will inspire unmatched dedication and in turn, increase loyalty. Here are some of the responsibilities and traits of a wingman:

  • Acting as a confidant and advisor; someone who puts the team’s well-being first, personally and professionally. Speaking up and communicating timely and effectively. Never losing sight of the goal.

  • Giving constant feedback and helping identify blind spots to control damage proactively. Openly accepting feedback and constantly aiming to learn more

  • Being honest, putting aside ego, admitting mistakes, accepting consequences, and taking in different perspectives; also admitting when you need help

  • Commitment to the success of others, having the integrity to support the right thing irrespective of results. Going the extra mile to help someone achieve their goals, do their best, or simply to aid them in a difficult situation.

  • Listening and observing to actively appreciate others’ efforts, empathizing with their struggles, engaging regularly to establish repute and trust

  • Pushing others when they are in fear, keeping a can-do attitude, and focusing on the win.

  • Preparing and collaborating for all scenarios, being adaptable in unwarranted situations

Benefits of Check Six Culture to Any Organization

An entire group of people constantly providing mutual support to each other, helping enhance individual ideas, solely dedicated to your organization’s cause and in turn, progressing together; this is the prime scenario for any team structure. A company with strong culture, based on mutual respect and dedication to its employees, brings both personal and organizational benefits such as:

  • Enhanced skill sets, everyone performs to improve while the subject matter experts coach others

  • Increased efficiency and accountability, better communication, devotion to organizational goals, and greater loyalty

  • An environment of discipline, innovation, brainstorming, process improvement, and joint effort

  • Due credit is given to the often overlooked, essential personnel, without whom the organization cannot run smoothly

  • Distribution of workload promoted by a ‘service before self’ mindset; also eliminates task saturation

  • Appreciation and credibility of roles across silos

  • Helps create situational awareness (360-degree view) of the organization’s inner workings

“Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first.” – Simon Sinek

Having a Check Six Culture enables every person in a company to actively watch each other’s back and inspire trust and unparalleled loyalty towards business goals, the organization, and the team itself. It helps transform mindsets from “I think I can to I know I can” – W.W. It also assists in aligning commitment with action, enhancing the performance of every individual within a team. The slightest negligence in preparation before a critical project or function can bring a business down, which is why its team members need to establish a culture where they can blindly trust to back each other’s play. Wingmanship can not only help create a better Company Culture but also increase faith in leadership while being advantageous for the business as a whole. To learn more about the servant leadership culture Premier BPO supports, please visit our Culture page.

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