Customer Experience is invaluable to businesses, especially those with Contact Center services providing Omnichannel solutions to their clientele. If you are an organization adapting to meet customer demands in 2021, superior CX is what differentiates your business from others. This can be powerfully aided by live video customer service, which is becoming an increasingly popular medium today. Demonstrating to the customer how to do something and being able to see what they are doing, creates better comprehension and efficient issue-resolution, instead of just guiding verbally. Since Omnichannel means across all channels linked together for visibility, why would that not include video-based customer service for a more impactful interaction?

78% of corporate companies are currently utilizing video calling softwaregetvoip

Nowadays, many industries are incorporating video contact center software, including Healthcare for Telemedicine, Retail for purchase support, Education for online classes, Banking for investor relations, business services for everyday team collaborations, Fashion and Cosmetics for virtual testing, and more.


So, the question is: what benefits come with enabling video live chat customer service in your contact center?

Advantages of Enabling Video Contact Center Support

Real-Time Support

Customer preference to the channel of communication is essential for Omnichannel contact centers to create seamless service. With modern tools providing perks like screen-sharing, real-time support is all the more crucial to provide an overall omnichannel experience. This is notably true for contact centers providing Technical Support. Your agents can guide the consumer step-by-step instead of them waiting on transferred calls and ditching the brand altogether due to frustration. Just like good customer service can increase your brand value, bad customer service and decrease it, causing you to lose business. Also, the lesser the number of touchpoints, the quicker the resolution, and the happier the customer will be.

One in three consumers responded that they would walk away from a brand due to just one bad experiencePWC


The number of companies investing in Omnichannel experience have increased from 20% – 80% in 2020PWC


It is no secret that every customer wants to feel heard, what better way to ensure that, than by providing a personal touch. Co-browsing and collaborative calls allow consumers to virtually get support for any product or service at any time, like having a technician guide you to set up an online account or troubleshoot printer errors. Today AR Technology powered virtual try-on applications utilize video for customization. Such as for consumer brands, cosmetics, and the fashion industry; this can be applied to product demos and follow-up support.

71% of Americans prefer human interaction as compared to a chatbot PWC

Adding visual interaction allows practical demonstration to determine what the user may be missing or doing wrong, and provide support for the matter specifically. Video chat puts a human face to the support provider, helping your agent identify the customer pain point quicker, recognize queues, and respond predictively; as opposed to receiving an automated response.

Enhanced Quality and FCR

Video call software helps agents identify problems faster than the average voice-only software, saving them valuable time often lost to comprehend the problem at hand. Also, the exchange of additional information when chatting on video can help cut down their Average Handle Time (AHT) and increase their First Call Resolution rate (FCR). It also aids in improving responsiveness while enhancing the customer’s satisfaction and subsequently, their trust in the brand. Utilizing webcams to proactively diagnose the concern and highlight the root cause will increase quality delivery standards. The customer will experience high-quality service when they feel the focus in on them.

80% of Americans say that good customer experience is dependent upon friendly service, knowledge, speed, and conveniencePWC


Alternate to in-person meetings for issue resolution, video call centers can help save up on travel costs for field visits. From call center demonstrations, transactions, support services, to post-call help; all can be done by investing in readily available video conferencing tools. These are less expensive in comparison to employee costs for each customer attended physically and repeatedly for follow-ups. It also creates more opportunities for your agents to cross-sell and upsell. This, in turn, may bolster an increase in revenue; once an affinity is established with the customer.

Video calling software can help companies save 15% – 30% of the project cost by helping shorten timelines definedgetvoip

Video customer service has undeniable benefits, especially when your customer gets an idea of the type of culture and ambiance your organization has. It not only gives a customer-centric flavor but also brings forth the human presence that consumers crave today. In addition, you get direct feedback from the customers, identifying areas that need to be worked upon.

When mapping the entire Customer Journey, every avenue must be explored. Particularly for those organizations looking to amplify Customer Retention and loyalty, video call feature in call centers acts as the key characteristic to make you stand out. Premier BPO is dedicated to customer-centric values in all our services; visit our customer care page to know more about our contact center capabilities.

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