The aftermath of COVID-19 presented a global shift in everyday business functionality. Organizations rapidly adapted to the new normal by way of digitization. Companies discovered that telecommuting did not impact revenues much, rather accelerated growth for some.

Accepting this work from home status led to a permanent cloud-based office model. Which led to on-premise enterprises revamping their IT infrastructure to suit present-day standards. Being prepared for crisis also became the main goal of many legacy firms that were losing the race of business continuity.

Digital Transformation of Contact Centers: WFH 2020 and Beyond

Consequent to the effects of the pandemic, millions lost their jobs. Sustaining your business meant adapting to faster and cost-effective solutions powered by technology. Manpower is often overlooked or replaced in the way of advancement. To battle the crippling economy and increasing demand, previously laid-off employees were replaced by bots that offer a quick fix to any functional disruption.

More so, in particular to the Contact Center market, artificial intelligence and voice response tools became the one-stop solution to answer the influx of calls coming from concerned clients and consumers. For businesses to allow remote capability, cloud-based technology had to be leveraged to serve customers better and equal to their expected standards.

The critical question, however, is –

How can businesses assure quality customer service while the majority of their workforce operates from home?

The answer, of course, lies in hopping on the proverbial train to Cloud Contact Center solutions. In this case, it means having virtual infrastructure as a base of operations. These create ease of access and usage while providing round-the-clock processing prowess.

Traversing from telephony, on-premise ACD’s, further on to cloud CRM software, technological advancements have made it possible to work from anywhere, at any time. With the onset of the pandemic, corporations realized the need for virtual workspaces even more than before. The latest and greatest available being Desktop as a Service (DaaS) by Premier BPO’s very own sister company, dinCloud.

Novel Contact Centers with Cloud-Capabilities

This remote DaaS service is a turn-key solution that allows virtualization of your desktop computer, running in the browser. Hosted workspaces are wrapped in layers of security, acting as independent processing machines. Functionality is similar to a traditional desktop, just online.

It allows an employee, flexibility to work from multiple devices at any time. This revolutionary technology is exactly what the after-effects of the pandemic demand for business continuity and disaster recovery.

Considering the rapid growth of the industry while acclimating to the present conditions, it is set to transform the future outlook of contact centers forever.

The CAGR for the Cloud-based Contact Center market is forecast at 23.11% between 2020-2025. It is set to grow from 13.67 billion USD (2019) to 44.86 billion USD (2025), as per a report published by

However impressive the numbers may be, the most crucial element in customer experience cannot be missed out. The degree of satisfaction for a client is often based on the type, quality, and mode of interaction the callers have with the agents.

To handle 21st-century challenges means being equipped with infrastructure powerful enough to handle any form of customer interaction with full Back-Office Support. Nowadays bots are apt to process natural language (NLP) to make callers more comfortable while handling large volumes before re-routing to a human agent.

Understanding the importance of human intervention is the key to great customer service. Although customer experience tools and robotic software can sift through non-critical calls, agent interaction is vital for empathetic communication.

Cloud platforms provide steadfast alternate solutions, but a perfect blend of human and machine is required for greater customer loyalty and retention. Here Outsourcing Contact Center Solutions may come in handy, where you can pick and choose the type of service you want to avail for your business.

Premier BPO’s customer care is client-centric, where we dedicate technological solutions and manpower leveraged by the cloud to serve your needs better. Our strategic approach enables us to analyze the customer’s journey and provide personalized service.

Providing you with Omnichannel Support, ROI solutions, 24/7 real-time response, CRM support, and value-added services; Premier BPO is your ultimate business companion. Offering Inbound/Outbound Call Service, Tech and Sales Support, Lead Generation, and Customer Feedback Analysis; our contact center agents are willing to go the extra mile for you. Adapting to the ever-changing customer demands, we are also disaster-ready and offer cloud-back-up servers with our services.

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